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Delock - storage controller - M.2 Card / SATA 6Gb/s - PCIe x4 1354572 Delock - storage controller - M.2 Card / SATA 6Gb/s - PCIe x4
This PCI Express card by Delock expands the PC by two M.2 slots. One M.2 SATA module can be connected in format 22110, 2280, 2260, 2242, 2230 with this card and connected via SATA cable to the motherb...
38,40 €
Delock PCI Express Card > 3 x external + 1 x internal USB 3.0 - USB adapter - PCIe 2.0 - 4 ports 1347066 Delock PCI Express Card > 3 x external + 1 x internal USB 3.0 - USB adapter - PCIe 2.0 - 4 ports
The Delock PCI Express card expands your PC by three external USB 3.0 ports as well as one internal USB 3.0 port. You can connect USB 3.0 devices like e.g. docking station, card reader, external enclo...
39,70 €
CONCEPTRONIC PCI Express Card 2-Port USB-C 3.2 1420644 CONCEPTRONIC PCI Express Card 2-Port USB-C 3.2
39,70 €
Delock PCI Express Card > 2 x Serial RS-232 - serial adapter - PCIe 2.0 - RS-232 x 2 1354610 Delock PCI Express Card > 2 x Serial RS-232 - serial adapter - PCIe 2.0 - RS-232 x 2
The PCI Express card by Delock expands a PC by two external serial ports. Different devices such as scanner, printer, mouse etc. can be connected to this card. By using the included low profile bracke...
40,00 €
Kontroler PCI-E, DELOCK, unutarnji NVMe M.2 Key M 80 mm, niskoprofilni 1315293 Kontroler PCI-E, DELOCK, unutarnji NVMe M.2 Key M 80 mm, niskoprofilni
Opis Ova Delock PCI Express kartica proširuje računalo za jedan M.2 utor. Može se spojiti jedan M.2 modul u formatu 2280, 2260 ili 2242. Tehnički podaci • Priključak: unutarnji: 1 x 67-polni M.2 ...
41,40 €
Kontroler PCI-E, Roline VALUE 2×RS232, 1×Parallel port PCI-e 0480103 Kontroler PCI-E, Roline VALUE 2×RS232, 1×Parallel port PCI-e
- Expand your PC with two serial and one parallel interfaces - Serial (RS-232) interface: * Fast Data Rates of up to 256Kbit/s * Supports RS-232 hardware flow control - Parallel interface: * SPP, PS...
43,80 €
Delock PCI Express Card > 4 x external USB 3.0 - USB adapter - PCIe 2.0 - USB 3.0 x 4 1354612 Delock PCI Express Card > 4 x external USB 3.0 - USB adapter - PCIe 2.0 - USB 3.0 x 4
The Delock PCI Express card expands your PC by four external USB 3.0 ports. You can connect USB devices like e.g. docking station, card reader, external enclosure etc. to the card.
44,40 €
Gembird 2 serial port PCI-Express add-on card, with extra low-profile bracket 1319240 Gembird 2 serial port PCI-Express add-on card, with extra low-profile bracket
Gembird 2 serial port PCI-Express add-on card, with extra low-profile bracket - PCI-Express 2 serial RS-232 ports add-on card High-speed up to 2 MBps data transfer rate
44,60 €
Roline konverter USB na RS232, 9-pin, 1.8m 1270592 Roline konverter USB na RS232, 9-pin, 1.8m
- With this converter you can easily connect peripheral devices, such as analogue and ISDN modems, digital cameras and handheld computers, which have a serial interface to an USB environment - Easy i...
49,10 €
Inter-Tech Gigabit PCIe Adapter Argus ST-7266 x1 v2.1 retail 1420631 Inter-Tech Gigabit PCIe Adapter Argus ST-7266 x1 v2.1 retail
51,30 €
LogiLink karta PCI Express 2x USB 3.1 1381915 LogiLink karta PCI Express 2x USB 3.1
Kontroler PCI Express, 2x USB 3.1
51,40 €
StarTech.com 4 Port PCI Express USB 3.0 Card - 3 External and 1 Internal - Native OS Support in Windows 8 and 7 - Standard and Low-Profile (PEXUSB3S42) - USB adapter 1364572 StarTech.com 4 Port PCI Express USB 3.0 Card - 3 External and 1 Internal - Native OS Support in Windows 8 and 7 - Standard and Low-Profile (PEXUSB3S42) - USB adapter
Add four USB 3.0 ports – three external ports and one internal port – to your computer. Here's a cost-effective solution for adding USB 3.0 connectivity to your computer. This 4-port PCIe USB 3.0 card...
51,70 €
Inter-Tech PCIe Adapter Karte ARGUS KC-008, PCIeX4->USB3.2 retail 1420635 Inter-Tech PCIe Adapter Karte ARGUS KC-008, PCIeX4->USB3.2 retail
51,80 €
Kontroler PCI-E, DELOCK, 2x USB 3.0 1299240 Kontroler PCI-E, DELOCK, 2x USB 3.0
Description The Delock PCI Express card expands your PC by two external USB 3.0 ports. You can connect USB devices like e.g. docking station, card reader, external enclosure etc. to the card. Specifi...
54,00 €
Lanberg kontroler PCI-E 2x USB 3.1 1381912 Lanberg kontroler PCI-E 2x USB 3.1
karta PCI Express - USB 3.1 Gen1 2-Port + śledź Low Profile
56,50 €
StarTech.com 2 Port Low Profile Native RS232 PCI Express Serial Card with 16550 UART - PCIe RS232 - PCI-E Serial Card (PEX2S553LP) - serial adapter - PCIe - RS-232 x 2 1403410 StarTech.com 2 Port Low Profile Native RS232 PCI Express Serial Card with 16550 UART - PCIe RS232 - PCI-E Serial Card (PEX2S553LP) - serial adapter - PCIe - RS-232 x 2
Add 2 high-speed RS-232 serial ports to your low profile/small form factor computer with a PCI Express expansion slot<br />The PEX2S553LP low profile/half-height PCI Express Serial Card turns a PCI Ex...
57,30 €
ICY BOX IB-PCI1901-C32 - USB adapter - PCIe 3.0 x4 - USB-C 3.2 Gen 2x2 x 1 1394027 ICY BOX IB-PCI1901-C32 - USB adapter - PCIe 3.0 x4 - USB-C 3.2 Gen 2x2 x 1
This ICY BOX PCIe expansion card IB-PCI1901-C32 is the highly flexible and cost-effective alternative to the not yet widespread USB4 standard. It offers full support for the USB 3.2 (Gen 2x2) specific...
58,10 €
DELOCK 4 Port SATA PCI Express x1 Karte Low Profile Formfakt 1420658 DELOCK 4 Port SATA PCI Express x1 Karte Low Profile Formfakt
58,20 €
Digitus DS-30040-2 PCI Express 1x Parallel 2x Serial Schnittstellenkarte 1351464 Digitus DS-30040-2 PCI Express 1x Parallel 2x Serial Schnittstellenkarte
58,20 €
Kontroler PCI-E, DELOCK, 2x serijski port (RS-232, DB9), brzi 921K, low profile 1315290 Kontroler PCI-E, DELOCK, 2x serijski port (RS-232, DB9), brzi 921K, low profile
Opis PCI Express kartica tvrtke Delock nadograđuje računalo dvama serijskim RS-232 ulazima. Uređaji poput skenera, pretvarača protokola, POS sustava, infracrvenih, IoT-uređaja, itd. i različitih način...
59,00 €
RAID SATA PCI 4x Delock SATA Raid 0,1 1333821 RAID SATA PCI 4x Delock SATA Raid 0,1
DeLOCK controller SATA, port 4 w / Raid. Interface: 32-bit PCI 2.2 Windows 2000/XP/XP-64/Server-2003/Vista 32/64, Linux
59,70 €
StarTech.com 4 Port PCI Express Low Profile High Speed USB Card - PCIe USB 2.0 Card - PCI-E USB 2.0 Card (PEXUSB4DP) - USB adapter - PCIe - 4 ports 1394033 StarTech.com 4 Port PCI Express Low Profile High Speed USB Card - PCIe USB 2.0 Card - PCI-E USB 2.0 Card (PEXUSB4DP) - USB adapter - PCIe - 4 ports
Add 4 USB 2.0 ports to your low profile/small form factor computer through a PCI Express expansion slot. The PEXUSB4DP is a low profile 4 port USB card designed for versatility and performance. Provid...
60,30 €
Delock PCI Express card > 2 x USB 3.0 - USB adapter - PCIe 2.0 - USB 3.0 x 2 1354611 Delock PCI Express card > 2 x USB 3.0 - USB adapter - PCIe 2.0 - USB 3.0 x 2
The Delock PCI Express card expands your PC by two external USB 3.0 ports. You can connect USB 3.0 devices like e.g. printer, scanner, MP3 player, CardReader, etc. to the card. Since the USB-A interfa...
62,90 €
Delock PCI Express card FireWire A / B - video capture adapter - PCIe 1354614 Delock PCI Express card FireWire A / B - video capture adapter - PCIe
The DeLock PCI Express card expands your PC by two external FireWire 800 ports as well as one external FireWire 400 port. You can connect devices like e.g. external enclosure, digital cameras, camcord...
63,90 €
DawicontrolDC-600e 1420655 DawicontrolDC-600e
65,70 €