Team T-Force Vulcan Z - DDR4 - 16 GB: 2 x 8 GB - DIMM 288-pin - unbuffered

Proizvođač: Team Group
Šifra: 1362359
Kataloški broj: TLZRD416G3200HC16CDC01
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Raspoloživo (Raspoloživo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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T-Force Vulcan Z's cooling module is designed for complete protection and enhanced heat dissipation. The heat spreader is formed by punch press process, one-piece alloy aluminum to reinforce the body structure. In addition, coloring with electrolytic anodizing process can enhance corrosion resistance and make it non-conductive. Moreover, with superconductivity - thermally conductive adhesive, it can quickly transfer the heat on IC chip through heat conduction to aluminum alloy cooling module for better heat dissipation. Therefore, the gaming memory can be maintained within operating temperature, and offering a smooth gaming experience and an extreme performance without any lag.

Osnovne karakteristike
Utor: DDR4
Kapacitet: 16 GB
Pakiranje: Kit (2x8 GB)
Radni takt [MHz]: 3.200
Latencija: CL16
Ostale karakteristike
Profil: Info Intel XMP
RGB: Info Ne
Hladnjak: Crveni

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Team T-Force Vulcan Z - DDR4 - 16 GB: 2 x 8 GB - DIMM 288-pin - unbuffered Team T-Force Vulcan Z - DDR4 - 16 GB: 2 x 8 GB - DIMM 288-pin - unbuffered T-Force Vulcan Z's cooling module is designed for complete protection and enhanced heat dissipation. The heat spreader is formed by punch press process, one-piece alloy aluminum to reinforce the body structure. In addition, coloring with electrolytic anodizing process can enhance corrosion resistance and make it non-conductive. Moreover, with superconductivity - thermally conductive adhesive, it can quickly transfer the heat on IC chip through heat conduction to aluminum alloy cooling module for better heat dissipation. Therefore, the gaming memory can be maintained within operating temperature, and offering a smooth gaming experience and an extreme performance without any lag.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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Team Group
Team Group
35.00 EUR