VonShef machine for Belgian waffles

Proizvođač: VonHaus
Šifra: 1382940
Kataloški broj: 2013309
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
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VonShef's double stainless steel waffle maker allows you to add a touch of luxury to your mornings and prepare two delicious Belgian waffles in just a few minutes, baked exactly to your liking. The cold touch handle will protect your fingers from the heat of the appliance, so you can comfortably check the progress of your waffles while cooking. The baking trays are designed for quick and easy cleaning and have a non-stick coating. Automatic temperature control. Size: 25.6 x 23.7 x 9.6 cm (length x width x height) "The product is accompanied by a converter from the UK / EU." Manufacturer's Website: https://www.vonhaus.com/vh_en/dual-belgian-waffle-maker

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VonShef machine for Belgian waffles VonShef machine for Belgian waffles VonShef's double stainless steel waffle maker allows you to add a touch of luxury to your mornings and prepare two delicious Belgian waffles in just a few minutes, baked exactly to your liking. The cold touch handle will protect your fingers from the heat of the appliance, so you can comfortably check the progress of your waffles while cooking. The baking trays are designed for quick and easy cleaning and have a non-stick coating. Automatic temperature control. Size: 25.6 x 23.7 x 9.6 cm (length x width x height) "The product is accompanied by a converter from the UK / EU." Manufacturer's Website: https://www.vonhaus.com/vh_en/dual-belgian-waffle-maker<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
32.00 EUR