VonHaus fireplace fan

Proizvođač: VonHaus
Šifra: 1361096
Kataloški broj: 2500460
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 2-3 radnih dana
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

Fireplace fan with 4 blades You have a freestanding stove, fireplace or wood burner, make sure its heat goes even further with a VonHaus fan. Made of black aluminum with four large blades for maximum air flow, but at the same time quiet operation. An environmentally friendly and economical fan will efficiently distribute heat from your stove around the room. It is best to place it on the fireplace itself so that when it is turned on, the heat starts to rise and the stove fan rotates automatically. The fan will quickly begin to distribute heat throughout the room, which means you don’t have to increase heating. It is powered by a thermoelectric module that acts as a mini generator that powers the fan motor and creates its rotation. With a maximum air flow of 180 CFM and an initial temperature of 50 degrees, this is an efficient way to heat your home, and no batteries or plugs are required! Dimensions: W18 x D 10.9 x H 20.4 cm Official manufacturer's website: https://www.vonhaus.com/vh_en/4-blade-stove-fan-vonhaus

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VonHaus fireplace fan VonHaus fireplace fan Fireplace fan with 4 blades You have a freestanding stove, fireplace or wood burner, make sure its heat goes even further with a VonHaus fan. Made of black aluminum with four large blades for maximum air flow, but at the same time quiet operation. An environmentally friendly and economical fan will efficiently distribute heat from your stove around the room. It is best to place it on the fireplace itself so that when it is turned on, the heat starts to rise and the stove fan rotates automatically. The fan will quickly begin to distribute heat throughout the room, which means you don’t have to increase heating. It is powered by a thermoelectric module that acts as a mini generator that powers the fan motor and creates its rotation. With a maximum air flow of 180 CFM and an initial temperature of 50 degrees, this is an efficient way to heat your home, and no batteries or plugs are required! Dimensions: W18 x D 10.9 x H 20.4 cm Official manufacturer's website: https://www.vonhaus.com/vh_en/4-blade-stove-fan-vonhaus<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
41.30 EUR