Tecnoware UPS EVO DSP PLUS 1200 uninterrupted power supply

Proizvođač: Tecnoware
Šifra: 1405443
Kataloški broj: FGCEDP1202IEC
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 2-3 radnih dana
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Tecnoware FGCEDP1202IEC is a powerful and reliable power supply unit designed to provide uninterrupted power to your sensitive devices.With its high power of 1200 VA (volt-amperes), this power supply unit is the ideal solution for home and business users who need reliable protection for their electronics.FGCEDP1202IEC uses Line-Interactive UPS technology, which provides automatic voltage regulation and maintains a stable output voltage, even in the event of fluctuations or power outages.This is crucial to protect your devices from unstable electrical voltage that can cause malfunctions or data loss.The power supply unit is equipped with IEC C13 output sockets, allowing the connection of various devices such as computers, servers, printers and other electronic equipment.It also has a built-in LCD screen that allows you to easily monitor the state of voltage, battery level and other important information.Protection against overload, short circuit and voltage fluctuations is built into the power supply unit, which further increases the safety and reliability of the power supply.The unit is also equipped with a USB interface that enables connection to a computer and the use of the attached software for managing and controlling the power supply unit. Tecnoware FGCEDP1202IEC is designed to provide stable and continuous power for your electronics. With its powerful features, protections and ease of use, this power supply unit is the ideal solution to ensure the reliable and protected operation of your devices.Whether it is for home or business use, the FGCEDP1202IEC will give you the protection and peace of mind you need. .Specifications:     Power: 1200 VA / 720 W    Input voltage: 220-240 VAC    Output voltage: 220-240 VAC    Frequency: 50/60 Hz ± 10%    Type of output sockets: IEC C13 (6 x)    Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) technology: Line-Interactive    Switching time to battery:     Battery type: Durable lead acid (AGM)    Battery charging: Automatic charging    Battery charging time: 4-6 hours to 90%    Operating time at full load: About 6-8 minutes    Half load operating time: About 15-18 minutes    Overload protection: Yes    Short circuit protection: Yes    Voltage fluctuation protection: Yes    LCD screen: Yes    Interface: USB    Management software: Yes    Dimensions: 146 x 397 x 205 mm    Weight: 10.5 kg

Dodatna Bonus jamstva za uređaj (opcija):
Zaštita PGR 5 godina (2+3) - 35,00 €
* jamstva su ponuđena automatiziranim odabirom, za informacije i sva pitanja obratite se prodavačima

Osnovne karakteristike
Izlazna snaga [VA]: 1200
Izlazna snaga [W]: 720
Tehnologija: Info SmartUPS

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Tecnoware UPS EVO DSP PLUS 1200 uninterrupted power supply Tecnoware UPS EVO DSP PLUS 1200 uninterrupted power supply Tecnoware FGCEDP1202IEC is a powerful and reliable power supply unit designed to provide uninterrupted power to your sensitive devices.With its high power of 1200 VA (volt-amperes), this power supply unit is the ideal solution for home and business users who need reliable protection for their electronics.FGCEDP1202IEC uses Line-Interactive UPS technology, which provides automatic voltage regulation and maintains a stable output voltage, even in the event of fluctuations or power outages.This is crucial to protect your devices from unstable electrical voltage that can cause malfunctions or data loss.The power supply unit is equipped with IEC C13 output sockets, allowing the connection of various devices such as computers, servers, printers and other electronic equipment.It also has a built-in LCD screen that allows you to easily monitor the state of voltage, battery level and other important information.Protection against overload, short circuit and voltage fluctuations is built into the power supply unit, which further increases the safety and reliability of the power supply.The unit is also equipped with a USB interface that enables connection to a computer and the use of the attached software for managing and controlling the power supply unit. Tecnoware FGCEDP1202IEC is designed to provide stable and continuous power for your electronics. With its powerful features, protections and ease of use, this power supply unit is the ideal solution to ensure the reliable and protected operation of your devices.Whether it is for home or business use, the FGCEDP1202IEC will give you the protection and peace of mind you need. .Specifications:     Power: 1200 VA / 720 W    Input voltage: 220-240 VAC    Output voltage: 220-240 VAC    Frequency: 50/60 Hz ± 10%    Type of output sockets: IEC C13 (6 x)    Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) technology: Line-Interactive    Switching time to battery:     Battery type: Durable lead acid (AGM)    Battery charging: Automatic charging    Battery charging time: 4-6 hours to 90%    Operating time at full load: About 6-8 minutes    Half load operating time: About 15-18 minutes    Overload protection: Yes    Short circuit protection: Yes    Voltage fluctuation protection: Yes    LCD screen: Yes    Interface: USB    Management software: Yes    Dimensions: 146 x 397 x 205 mm    Weight: 10.5 kg<br><br><div><b>Dodatna Bonus jamstva za uređaj (opcija):</b><br><table style="border:none;width:60%"><tr style="line-height:0px"><td style="border:none"><a href="http://prot.is/ayzssz">Zaštita PGR 5 godina (2+3)</a> - 35,00 €</td></tr></table><i>* jamstva su ponuđena automatiziranim odabirom, za informacije i sva pitanja obratite se prodavačima</i></div>
0.00 0
417.30 EUR