USB 3.0 to VGA Display Adapter 1920x1200, On-Board Driver Installation, Video Converter with External Graphics Card - Windows (USB32VGAV) - external video adapter - 512 MB - black

Proizvođač: StarTech
Šifra: 1403416
Kataloški broj: USB32VGAV
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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USB 3.0 External Video & Graphics Card | Multi-Monitor | USB-Powered | Supports Windows . This USB 3.0 to VGA video adapter works as an external video card, enabling the USB port on your computer to output video to a VGA display at 1920 x 1200 resolution. The adapter also features on-board driver installation, which means the adapter will work when you connect it, even without a software disc or Internet connection.
Save time and hassle with on-board driver installation
For the ultimate in hassle-free installation, this USB video adapter features on-board drivers which prompts for installation as soon as you connect the adapter to your Ultrabook  or laptop computer. This means you can maximize portability by never requiring an installation disc or Internet connection to install the device.
Increase your productivity by connecting an additional display
Adding a second or third display to your computer can vastly increase your productivity by giving the freedom to access more applications at the same time. This video adapter is intended to support all of your business applications including web browsing, e-mail. spreadsheets and presentations. You can also leave your system video card available for more demanding applications such as gaming or CAD design, while you use the USB monitor for reference material.
USB 3.0 performance for business applications
Using the high-bandwidth USB 3.0 interface, this adapter enables smoother scrolling through documents, higher refresh rates and an overall enhanced performance over USB 2.0. The adapter is optimized for use with USB 3.0, but for added compatibility this adapter is also backward compatible with USB 2.0 computer systems supporting an 800 x 600 resolution at 60Hz.
The USB32VGAV is backed by a 2-year warranty and free lifetime technical support.

Osnovne karakteristike
Ulaz: USB (M)
Izlaz: VGA (Ž)

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Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar. USB 3.0 to VGA Display Adapter 1920x1200, On-Board Driver Installation, Video Converter with External Graphics Card - Windows (USB32VGAV) - external video adapter - 512 MB - black USB 3.0 to VGA Display Adapter 1920x1200, On-Board Driver Installation, Video Converter with External Graphics Card - Windows (USB32VGAV) - external video adapter - 512 MB - black USB 3.0 External Video & Graphics Card | Multi-Monitor | USB-Powered | Supports Windows . This USB 3.0 to VGA video adapter works as an external video card, enabling the USB port on your computer to output video to a VGA display at 1920 x 1200 resolution. The adapter also features on-board driver installation, which means the adapter will work when you connect it, even without a software disc or Internet connection.<br />Save time and hassle with on-board driver installation<br />For the ultimate in hassle-free installation, this USB video adapter features on-board drivers which prompts for installation as soon as you connect the adapter to your Ultrabook  or laptop computer. This means you can maximize portability by never requiring an installation disc or Internet connection to install the device.<br />Increase your productivity by connecting an additional display<br />Adding a second or third display to your computer can vastly increase your productivity by giving the freedom to access more applications at the same time. This video adapter is intended to support all of your business applications including web browsing, e-mail. spreadsheets and presentations. You can also leave your system video card available for more demanding applications such as gaming or CAD design, while you use the USB monitor for reference material.<br />USB 3.0 performance for business applications<br />Using the high-bandwidth USB 3.0 interface, this adapter enables smoother scrolling through documents, higher refresh rates and an overall enhanced performance over USB 2.0. The adapter is optimized for use with USB 3.0, but for added compatibility this adapter is also backward compatible with USB 2.0 computer systems supporting an 800 x 600 resolution at 60Hz.<br />The USB32VGAV is backed by a 2-year warranty and free lifetime technical support.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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40.00 EUR