Simrad Cruise-5,ROW Base Chart,83/200 XDCR, 000-14998-001

Proizvođač: Simrad
Šifra: 1345473
Kataloški broj: 000-14998-001
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 1-2 radnih dana
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System Overview

All new product available in 5”, 7” and 9”
Chart plotter first, depth finder second
Inexpensive and gets the job done
Targeted at the Basic Boater (recreational/leisure boater), not the Frequent Fisherman. Consumer who wants basic functionality. Does not want or need all the bells and whistles Does not want to have to learn how to use the product every time they go out; turn it on and shows me where I am, where I want to go and the depth
No networking means no networking complications
Installation friendly. Mount from front or bracket mount. Push fit Power and Sonar connectors

Unique Selling Points

A true entry-level chartplotter, Simrad Cruise offers a casual boater everything they need and nothing they don’t.
Most products in the entry-level market are targeted at fishermen with more advanced sonar but very basic charting.
Simrad Cruise is a chart plotter first and a depth finder second, with a good built-in chart (AMER) there is no need to buy a separate chart card.
If a user still wants a bit more chart data or the ability to use Easy Routing they can add a C-MAP chart card.

Dodatna Bonus jamstva za uređaj (opcija):
Zaštita PGR 5 godina (2+3) - 34,99 €
* jamstva su ponuđena automatiziranim odabirom, za informacije i sva pitanja obratite se prodavačima

Za odabrani proizvod nije definirana specifikacija.

Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar.

Simrad Cruise-5,ROW Base Chart,83/200 XDCR, 000-14998-001 Simrad Cruise-5,ROW Base Chart,83/200 XDCR, 000-14998-001 System Overview All new product available in 5”, 7” and 9” Chart plotter first, depth finder second Inexpensive and gets the job done Targeted at the Basic Boater (recreational/leisure boater), not the Frequent Fisherman. Consumer who wants basic functionality. Does not want or need all the bells and whistles Does not want to have to learn how to use the product every time they go out; turn it on and shows me where I am, where I want to go and the depth No networking means no networking complications Installation friendly. Mount from front or bracket mount. Push fit Power and Sonar connectors Unique Selling Points A true entry-level chartplotter, Simrad Cruise offers a casual boater everything they need and nothing they don’t. Most products in the entry-level market are targeted at fishermen with more advanced sonar but very basic charting. Simrad Cruise is a chart plotter first and a depth finder second, with a good built-in chart (AMER) there is no need to buy a separate chart card. If a user still wants a bit more chart data or the ability to use Easy Routing they can add a C-MAP chart card.<br><br><div><b>Dodatna Bonus jamstva za uređaj (opcija):</b><br><table style="border:none;width:60%"><tr style="line-height:0px"><td style="border:none"><a href="">Zaštita PGR 5 godina (2+3)</a> - 34,99 €</td></tr></table><i>* jamstva su ponuđena automatiziranim odabirom, za informacije i sva pitanja obratite se prodavačima</i></div>
0.00 0
467.00 EUR