Security key Yubico YubiKey Bio, FIDO Edition, USB-A

Proizvođač: Yubico
Šifra: 1366892
Kataloški broj: 398
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 4-7 radnih dana
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već od 3,42 €/mjesečno

Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

Passwordless multi-factor authentication
Secure and convenient passwordless MFA login with the YubiKey Bio authenticator and biometric information using a fingerprint, with a PIN as a fallback.

Strong second factor authentication
Add a layer of protection on top of a password with the authenticator and the fingerprint verifying user identity.

Strong biometric security
Whenever a finger is presented to the YubiKey, a template is created and templates never leave the YubiKey.

Other features

Meets the most stringent hardware security requirements with fingerprint templates stored in the secure element on the key
Works out-of-the-box with operating systems and browsers including Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, Linux, Chrome, and Edge
Supports FIDO2/WebAuthn, FIDO U2F
Available in both USB-A and USB-C form factors with biometric support

Technical details

Productivity & Communication: Google Account, Microsoft account,
Password Managers: 1Password, Dashlane Premium, Keeper®
Cloud Storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive
Social: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Function:  WebAuthn, FIDO2 CTAP1, FIDO2 CTAP2, Universal 2nd Factor (U2F)
Certifications:  FIDO 2 Certified, FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Certified
Device Type: FIDO HID naprava
Cryptographic Specifications:  ECC p256

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Security key Yubico YubiKey Bio, FIDO Edition, USB-A Security key Yubico YubiKey Bio, FIDO Edition, USB-A Passwordless multi-factor authentication Secure and convenient passwordless MFA login with the YubiKey Bio authenticator and biometric information using a fingerprint, with a PIN as a fallback. Strong second factor authentication Add a layer of protection on top of a password with the authenticator and the fingerprint verifying user identity. Strong biometric security Whenever a finger is presented to the YubiKey, a template is created and templates never leave the YubiKey. Other features Meets the most stringent hardware security requirements with fingerprint templates stored in the secure element on the key Works out-of-the-box with operating systems and browsers including Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, Linux, Chrome, and Edge Supports FIDO2/WebAuthn, FIDO U2F Available in both USB-A and USB-C form factors with biometric support Technical details Productivity & Communication: Google Account, Microsoft account, Password Managers: 1Password, Dashlane Premium, Keeper® Cloud Storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive Social: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Function:  WebAuthn, FIDO2 CTAP1, FIDO2 CTAP2, Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Certifications:  FIDO 2 Certified, FIDO Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Certified Device Type: FIDO HID naprava Cryptographic Specifications:  ECC p256<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
110.80 EUR