Playseat Evolution PRO Alcantara

Proizvođač: Playseats
Šifra: 1348108
Kataloški broj: REP.00104
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Na upit (Na upit)
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

This is the PRO edition of the popular Playseat® Evolution Alcantara model! The design has been enhanced for an even more realistic look and feel! Take a seat and drive as fast as possible in the Playseat® Evolution Alcantara PRO! When you're racing with this Playseat® chair, it feels like your in a real racing car, thanks to the authentic shape and the high quality black Alcantara coating, which is an alternative to suede and used in real racing cars! The Playseat® Evolution Alcantara PRO is very comfortable, stable and highly adjustable, to ensure the most fun racing experience at home! It can be used by adults and children, so all your friends and family members can enjoy this chair. Thanks to its unique foldable design, it uses little space when not in use.
• Modeled after seats in real racing cars
• Patented foldable system for easy transport and storage when not in use
• Superior build quality, stability and comfort
• Durable black coated fully adjustable framework
• Compatible with all steering wheels and pedals on the market, including Logitech, Thrustmaster and Fanatec
• Suited for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, Wii U, PC and Mac

Osnovne karakteristike
Vrsta: Stolica
Kompatibilnost: PC
Povezivost: N/A
Force feedback: Ne

*Unatoč uloženom trudu da damo što bolji i točniji opis, slike i specifikacije, ne možemo garantirati da su svi navedeni podaci točni te ne odgovaramo za eventualne pogreške nastale u opisu proizvoda, slika ili specifikacija. Iste je potrebno provjeriti na stranicama proizvođača ili pošaljite upit našim djelatnicima da provjere.
Ukoliko na našoj stranici otkrijete neistinite odnosno neadekvatne informacije, molimo vas da nam to javite na prodaja[o]

Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar.

Playseat Evolution PRO Alcantara Playseat Evolution PRO Alcantara This is the PRO edition of the popular Playseat® Evolution Alcantara model! The design has been enhanced for an even more realistic look and feel! Take a seat and drive as fast as possible in the Playseat® Evolution Alcantara PRO! When you're racing with this Playseat® chair, it feels like your in a real racing car, thanks to the authentic shape and the high quality black Alcantara coating, which is an alternative to suede and used in real racing cars! The Playseat® Evolution Alcantara PRO is very comfortable, stable and highly adjustable, to ensure the most fun racing experience at home! It can be used by adults and children, so all your friends and family members can enjoy this chair. Thanks to its unique foldable design, it uses little space when not in use. • Modeled after seats in real racing cars • Patented foldable system for easy transport and storage when not in use • Superior build quality, stability and comfort • Durable black coated fully adjustable framework • Compatible with all steering wheels and pedals on the market, including Logitech, Thrustmaster and Fanatec • Suited for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, Wii U, PC and Mac<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
357.20 EUR