Memorija za prijenosno računalo Transcend JetRam SO DIMM DDR4-3200 16GB (JM3200HSE-16G)

Proizvođač: Transcend
Šifra: 1350625
Kataloški broj: JM3200HSE-16G
Jamstvo: 120
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 4-7 radnih dana
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Optimize performance

Transcend offers a comprehensive range of DDR4 to enhance memory bandwidth for home servers and personal computers. All modules are tested across various motherboard platforms and operating systems with achieving maximum compatibility in mind.

Durability guaranteed

Transcend DRAM modules can deliver reliable performance under general thermal conditions. They are also fully compliant with JEDEC standards that assures stable quality and meet global standards.

Low power consumption at 1.2V

Compared to standard DDR3 memories, which operate at 1.5V, DDR4 brings the power consumption further down to 1.2V, allowing for greater energy efficiency while reducing the risk of heat generation.

Revive your sluggish system

Unlock next-gen performance

Quality chips fully tested for reliability
Revive your sluggish system

Upgrading your DRAM is likely one of the simplest and most economic things you can do to bring an aging, sluggish computer back to life. It won’t cost a kidney, either. Better yet, the installation is item-friendly, too. Instantly benefit from increased speeds with a timely upgrade!

Unlock next-gen performance

DDR4 delivers far less response time and application loading time than its predecessors DDR3, DDR2, and DDR. It is higher in RAM density but lower in power consumption, best suited for memory-intensive applications.

Quality chips fully tested for reliability

Transcend's JetRam memory modules are manufactured with true ETT grade, brand-name DRAM chips that have passed Transcend's strict screening process and rigorous environmental testing.

Transcend DDR4 DRAM Modules feature transfer speeds as high as 3200 Mbps that boost your work efficiency. DDR4 module comes in the regular form factor as well as in small outlines to accommodate different motherboard form factor requirements. All modules are engineered with the finest chips available, and stringently tested to ensure reliability and compatibility across platforms.

Osnovne karakteristike
Kapacitet: 16 GB
Pakiranje: Modul
Radni takt [MHz]: 3.200
Latencija: CL22
Ostale karakteristike
Profil: Info Nema
RGB: Info Ne
Hladnjak: nema

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Memorija za prijenosno računalo Transcend JetRam SO DIMM DDR4-3200 16GB (JM3200HSE-16G) Memorija za prijenosno računalo Transcend JetRam SO DIMM DDR4-3200 16GB (JM3200HSE-16G) MEM SOD DDR4 16GB JM3200HSE-16G Optimize performance Transcend offers a comprehensive range of DDR4 to enhance memory bandwidth for home servers and personal computers. All modules are tested across various motherboard platforms and operating systems with achieving maximum compatibility in mind. Durability guaranteed Transcend DRAM modules can deliver reliable performance under general thermal conditions. They are also fully compliant with JEDEC standards that assures stable quality and meet global standards. Low power consumption at 1.2V Compared to standard DDR3 memories, which operate at 1.5V, DDR4 brings the power consumption further down to 1.2V, allowing for greater energy efficiency while reducing the risk of heat generation. Revive your sluggish system Unlock next-gen performance Quality chips fully tested for reliability Revive your sluggish system Upgrading your DRAM is likely one of the simplest and most economic things you can do to bring an aging, sluggish computer back to life. It won’t cost a kidney, either. Better yet, the installation is item-friendly, too. Instantly benefit from increased speeds with a timely upgrade! Unlock next-gen performance DDR4 delivers far less response time and application loading time than its predecessors DDR3, DDR2, and DDR. It is higher in RAM density but lower in power consumption, best suited for memory-intensive applications. Quality chips fully tested for reliability Transcend's JetRam memory modules are manufactured with true ETT grade, brand-name DRAM chips that have passed Transcend's strict screening process and rigorous environmental testing. Transcend DDR4 DRAM Modules feature transfer speeds as high as 3200 Mbps that boost your work efficiency. DDR4 module comes in the regular form factor as well as in small outlines to accommodate different motherboard form factor requirements. All modules are engineered with the finest chips available, and stringently tested to ensure reliability and compatibility across platforms. <table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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29.40 EUR