Kontroler za LED-matrix01 zaslon, Joy-it RB-MatrixCtrl

Proizvođač: Joy-it
Šifra: 1353322
Kataloški broj: RB-MatrixCtrl
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
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Control board
With the help of this expansion board for your Raspberry Pi you can control up to 3 RGB-LED-Matrix rows with the common HUB75 interface, e.g. our Joy-It RGB-LEDMatrix (LED-Matrix01).
In addition, a 25x25mm fan is installed and a heatsink is enclosed to ensure sufficient cooling of the Raspberry Pi.


Logic level converter from 3.3 V to 5V for controlling of up to 3 LED matrix rows
Passive and active cooling
Aluminium heatsink with a 25x25mm sized fan

Compatible with
Raspberry Pi 3A/B/A+/B+, 4B

Input voltage
5 Volt

3x HUB75 plugs

Data line E switchable with jumpers to Pin 4 or 8

65 x 56 x 26 mm

40 g

Items Shipped
Controller, heatsink, fan, 2 spacers, 6 screws and nuts, 4 flat washers , 2 jumpers


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Kontroler za LED-matrix01 zaslon, Joy-it RB-MatrixCtrl Kontroler za LED-matrix01 zaslon, Joy-it RB-MatrixCtrl Control board With the help of this expansion board for your Raspberry Pi you can control up to 3 RGB-LED-Matrix rows with the common HUB75 interface, e.g. our Joy-It RGB-LEDMatrix (LED-Matrix01). In addition, a 25x25mm fan is installed and a heatsink is enclosed to ensure sufficient cooling of the Raspberry Pi. Specifications Function Logic level converter from 3.3 V to 5V for controlling of up to 3 LED matrix rows Passive and active cooling Aluminium heatsink with a 25x25mm sized fan Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3A/B/A+/B+, 4B Input voltage 5 Volt Interfaces 3x HUB75 plugs Data line E switchable with jumpers to Pin 4 or 8 Dimensions 65 x 56 x 26 mm Weight 40 g Items Shipped Controller, heatsink, fan, 2 spacers, 6 screws and nuts, 4 flat washers , 2 jumpers https://joy-it.net/en/products/RB-MatrixCtrl<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
21.30 EUR