Keyboard Logitech Keys-To-Go 2, Graphite, SLO g.

Proizvođač: Logitech
Šifra: 1442126
Kataloški broj: 920-012984
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Raspoloživo (Raspoloživo)
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EXTREMELY PORTABLEAn extremely portable keyboard designed for use with tablet computers. It works with Android, ChromeOS, Windows, iPadOS, iOS, and macOS operating systems. Powered by 2 button batteries, it provides up to 3 years of operation.LIGHT AND ELEGANTThe keyboard is light and thin and can be easily stowed in a bag with the built-in key cover. It allows quick typing on various devices on the go. BUILT-IN COVERThe built-in cover protects the keys from scratches and other damage. When it's time to use it, simply fold it to the bottom side and start typing.LOW AND QUIET KEYSThe keyboard has low-profile keys with just the right spacing between them. The keys are also equipped with a scissor mechanism, making typing extremely pleasant. The top row contains shortcuts for media control, screen brightness, and other useful functions. DetailsThin and light keyboard excellent for use with tablet computersProvides Bluetooth Low Energy connection with various devicesLow-profile keys with scissor mechanism for comfortable and quiet typingBuilt-in cover for easy carrying and protection of keysDimensions: 250 x 105 x 4.35 - 8.97 mmWeight: 222 gIn the packageKeyboard2x coin battery

Osnovne karakteristike
Tip artikla: Tipkovnica
Vrsta: Bluetooth
Raspored: SLO
Sučelje: Bežična

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Keyboard Logitech Keys-To-Go 2, Graphite, SLO g. Keyboard Logitech Keys-To-Go 2, Graphite, SLO g. EXTREMELY PORTABLEAn extremely portable keyboard designed for use with tablet computers. It works with Android, ChromeOS, Windows, iPadOS, iOS, and macOS operating systems. Powered by 2 button batteries, it provides up to 3 years of operation.LIGHT AND ELEGANTThe keyboard is light and thin and can be easily stowed in a bag with the built-in key cover. It allows quick typing on various devices on the go. BUILT-IN COVERThe built-in cover protects the keys from scratches and other damage. When it's time to use it, simply fold it to the bottom side and start typing.LOW AND QUIET KEYSThe keyboard has low-profile keys with just the right spacing between them. The keys are also equipped with a scissor mechanism, making typing extremely pleasant. The top row contains shortcuts for media control, screen brightness, and other useful functions. DetailsThin and light keyboard excellent for use with tablet computersProvides Bluetooth Low Energy connection with various devicesLow-profile keys with scissor mechanism for comfortable and quiet typingBuilt-in cover for easy carrying and protection of keysDimensions: 250 x 105 x 4.35 - 8.97 mmWeight: 222 gIn the packageKeyboard2x coin battery<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
104.00 EUR