Hladilo 35x35x6mm, FISCHER, pogodno za Raspberry Pi 4

Proizvođač: Fischer
Šifra: 1399354
Kataloški broj: ICKBGA35X35
Jamstvo: Nema
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

montaža pomoću termo vodljive trake 2630411753, termo ljepila 8071000032 ili termo folije 2545000301,2545000302, 2545000304

for direct adhesive bonding to the component.
Made of black anodized aluminum.

Odgovara za Raspberry Pi 4

• Excellent thermal efficiency achieved by flow-favorable omnidirectional fin geometry
• Black anodized surface
• Easy mounting using thermally conductive adhesive foil or thermally conductive glue+

Technical Specifications

Part Nr. Rth Rth Rth Rth
v=0m/s v=2m/s v=4m/s v=6m/s
[K/W] [K/W] [K/W] [K/W]
ICKBGA14x14 30 16 11 8
ICKBGA23x23 20 10 7 6
ICKBGA35x35 16,5 9 6,5 5,6

Za odabrani proizvod nije definirana specifikacija.

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Hladilo 35x35x6mm, FISCHER, pogodno za Raspberry Pi 4 Hladilo 35x35x6mm, FISCHER, pogodno za Raspberry Pi 4 montaža pomoću termo vodljive trake 2630411753, termo ljepila 8071000032 ili termo folije 2545000301,2545000302, 2545000304 for direct adhesive bonding to the component. Made of black anodized aluminum. Odgovara za Raspberry Pi 4 Features • Excellent thermal efficiency achieved by flow-favorable omnidirectional fin geometry • Black anodized surface • Easy mounting using thermally conductive adhesive foil or thermally conductive glue+ Technical Specifications Part Nr. Rth Rth Rth Rth v=0m/s v=2m/s v=4m/s v=6m/s [K/W] [K/W] [K/W] [K/W] ICKBGA14x14 30 16 11 8 ICKBGA23x23 20 10 7 6 ICKBGA35x35 16,5 9 6,5 5,6<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
1.60 EUR