Headset Logitech Zone 300, Bluetooth, Black

Proizvođač: Logitech
Šifra: 1441563
Kataloški broj: 981-001407
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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ESSENTIAL OFFICE HEADSETZone 300 are wireless headphones that allow free movement while communicating or listening to music. The headphones can be paired with up to 6 different devices and can be simultaneously connected to 2 devices via Bluetooth.BE HEARDThe headphones are equipped with two microphones that capture your voice while canceling out noise and ambient sounds. The rechargeable battery inside the headphones is suitable for 20 hours of music listening or 16 hours of conversations.GREAT SOUND EXPERIENCEThey are equipped with 30 mm dynamic drivers and connect to computers, tablets, and phones using Bluetooth. Weighing only 122 grams, the headphones are also lightweight and comfortable, thanks to the padded headband and ear cushions. Other FeaturesLightweight wireless headphones for home and office useEquipped with 30 mm dynamic drivers for good sound qualityBuilt-in rechargeable Li-Ion battery suitable for 20 hours of music listening and 16 hours of communicationThe battery charges in 2 hours, with 5 minutes of charging sufficient for about 1 hour of conversationsLightweight design with padded headband and ear cushionsTwo MEMS microphones on a swivel boom with noise cancellationMulti-point Bluetooth connection for simultaneous connection to two devicesCustomize the listening experience using the Logi Tune appIn the PackageZone 300 headphonesUSB-C to USB-C charging cable, 1 m

Sučelje: Bluetooth

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Headset Logitech Zone 300, Bluetooth, Black Headset Logitech Zone 300, Bluetooth, Black ESSENTIAL OFFICE HEADSETZone 300 are wireless headphones that allow free movement while communicating or listening to music. The headphones can be paired with up to 6 different devices and can be simultaneously connected to 2 devices via Bluetooth.BE HEARDThe headphones are equipped with two microphones that capture your voice while canceling out noise and ambient sounds. The rechargeable battery inside the headphones is suitable for 20 hours of music listening or 16 hours of conversations.GREAT SOUND EXPERIENCEThey are equipped with 30 mm dynamic drivers and connect to computers, tablets, and phones using Bluetooth. Weighing only 122 grams, the headphones are also lightweight and comfortable, thanks to the padded headband and ear cushions. Other FeaturesLightweight wireless headphones for home and office useEquipped with 30 mm dynamic drivers for good sound qualityBuilt-in rechargeable Li-Ion battery suitable for 20 hours of music listening and 16 hours of communicationThe battery charges in 2 hours, with 5 minutes of charging sufficient for about 1 hour of conversationsLightweight design with padded headband and ear cushionsTwo MEMS microphones on a swivel boom with noise cancellationMulti-point Bluetooth connection for simultaneous connection to two devicesCustomize the listening experience using the Logi Tune appIn the PackageZone 300 headphonesUSB-C to USB-C charging cable, 1 m<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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83.80 EUR