Garmin GT20-TM 4-pin Connector krmena sonda - 77/200kHz/DownVü, 010-01960-00

Proizvođač: Garmin
Šifra: 1338148
Kataloški broj: 010-01960-00
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

Perfect for the shallow water fisherman who want traditional and CHIRP ClearVü scanning sonar, this transom or trolling motor mounted transducer consistently displays fish arches as well as clear pictures of objects, structure and fish that pass below your boat.

The 20 ft transducer cable with built-in fast response temperature sensor has a power rating of 500 W; a depth of 1,900 ft (traditional) and 750 ft (ClearVü); an operating frequency of 77/200 kHz (traditional) and 455 kHz (ClearVü); and a 0 to 70 transom angle.

Transducer comes with transom and trolling motor mounts, and installation instructions. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your boat.

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Garmin GT20-TM 4-pin Connector krmena sonda - 77/200kHz/DownVü, 010-01960-00 Garmin GT20-TM 4-pin Connector krmena sonda - 77/200kHz/DownVü, 010-01960-00 Perfect for the shallow water fisherman who want traditional and CHIRP ClearVü scanning sonar, this transom or trolling motor mounted transducer consistently displays fish arches as well as clear pictures of objects, structure and fish that pass below your boat. The 20 ft transducer cable with built-in fast response temperature sensor has a power rating of 500 W; a depth of 1,900 ft (traditional) and 750 ft (ClearVü); an operating frequency of 77/200 kHz (traditional) and 455 kHz (ClearVü); and a 0 to 70 transom angle. Transducer comes with transom and trolling motor mounts, and installation instructions. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your boat.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
113.80 EUR