Gaming Wheel G923 Logitech, USB, Xbox One and PC

Proizvođač: Logitech
Šifra: 1347582
Kataloški broj: 941-000158
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 5-8 radnih dana
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Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC


TRUEFORCE - Innovation in force feedback technology connects directly to in-game simulation engines and physics to produce higher fidelity, real-time responses. The feedback frequency range is also increased for dramatically improved detail and realism compared to previous generations.
CLOSED-LOOP MOTOR CONTROL - The right current means the right torque. G923’s advanced firmware monitors all the current flowing through the wheel motors, continuously adjusting voltage to match outputs from game physics. By going beyond default settings, G923 delivers pinpoint accuracy and unprecedented realism.
MORE TRACTION. LESS SMOKE. - Get off the starting line cleaner and faster with a programmable dual clutch launch assist in supported games.
CRAFTED FOR RACING - The classic design—modernized. The new colorway, premium brushed metal, automotive-style leather stitching, and polished pedals give G923 a professional finish. Form follows function with an integrated center marker and rotary dial.
ON-WHEEL GAME CONTROLS - Complete Xbox One or PS4 controls are built right into the steering wheel. No matter how you race, every command is directly at hand.
24-POINT SELECTION DIAL - Traction, torque, brake force—it’s all adjustable from an integrated dial that you control.
PROGRESSIVE BRAKE PEDAL - More responsive, more accurate. The progressive spring mimics the performance of a pressure-sensitive brake system for a real racing experience. Reposition the pedal faces for heel-toe maneuvers and even more control.
BUILT-IN REV INDICATOR - Built-in colored LEDs show your RPM range in supported games. See when you’re redline-ing—right in your line of sight.
CUSTOMIZE WITH G HUB - Take full control of your rig. Adjust wheel sensitivity, force feedback levels, and button customization via powerful G HUB Gaming Software for PC. Custom-build multiple profiles for any game and application.
Wheel dimensions: 270 x 260 x 278 mm
Pedal dimensions: 167 x 428,5 x 311 mm
Wheel weight: 2,25 kg
Pedal weight: 3,1 kg

Package contains

Steering wheel
Power supply
User documentation

Osnovne karakteristike
Vrsta: Volan
Kompatibilnost: PC
Povezivost: Žično
Force feedback: Da

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Ukoliko na našoj stranici otkrijete neistinite odnosno neadekvatne informacije, molimo vas da nam to javite na prodaja[o]

Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar.

Gaming Wheel G923 Logitech, USB, Xbox One and PC Gaming Wheel G923 Logitech, USB, Xbox One and PC Features TRUEFORCE - Innovation in force feedback technology connects directly to in-game simulation engines and physics to produce higher fidelity, real-time responses. The feedback frequency range is also increased for dramatically improved detail and realism compared to previous generations. CLOSED-LOOP MOTOR CONTROL - The right current means the right torque. G923’s advanced firmware monitors all the current flowing through the wheel motors, continuously adjusting voltage to match outputs from game physics. By going beyond default settings, G923 delivers pinpoint accuracy and unprecedented realism. MORE TRACTION. LESS SMOKE. - Get off the starting line cleaner and faster with a programmable dual clutch launch assist in supported games. CRAFTED FOR RACING - The classic design—modernized. The new colorway, premium brushed metal, automotive-style leather stitching, and polished pedals give G923 a professional finish. Form follows function with an integrated center marker and rotary dial. ON-WHEEL GAME CONTROLS - Complete Xbox One or PS4 controls are built right into the steering wheel. No matter how you race, every command is directly at hand. 24-POINT SELECTION DIAL - Traction, torque, brake force—it’s all adjustable from an integrated dial that you control. PROGRESSIVE BRAKE PEDAL - More responsive, more accurate. The progressive spring mimics the performance of a pressure-sensitive brake system for a real racing experience. Reposition the pedal faces for heel-toe maneuvers and even more control. BUILT-IN REV INDICATOR - Built-in colored LEDs show your RPM range in supported games. See when you’re redline-ing—right in your line of sight. CUSTOMIZE WITH G HUB - Take full control of your rig. Adjust wheel sensitivity, force feedback levels, and button customization via powerful G HUB Gaming Software for PC. Custom-build multiple profiles for any game and application. Wheel dimensions: 270 x 260 x 278 mm Pedal dimensions: 167 x 428,5 x 311 mm Wheel weight: 2,25 kg Pedal weight: 3,1 kg Package contains Steering wheel Pedals Power supply User documentation<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
321.90 EUR