Proizvođač: Airmar
Šifra: 1344451
Kataloški broj: FF15K
Raspoloživost: Na upit (Na upit)
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59,40 €
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62,04 €
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60,06 €
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61,38 €
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62,70 €
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66,00 €
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već od 1,83 €/mjesečno

Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

Foulfree Anti-Fouling Transducer Coating - 15ml Kit

Airmar Certified Transducer Coating*

Any marine growth or fouling on the face of a transducer can reduce sensitivity, decreasing bottom-echo returns and fish target intensity. It can also increase the turbulence over the face of the transducer causing aeration and loss of bottom contact.

Solving these challenges in the best possible manner is the reason that Airmar teamed with Propspeed® to develop Foulfree™ fouling release coating for transducers. The proprietary clear coat forms a slick surface that marine growth can’t grab onto, keeping your transducer surface clean and clear.


Foulfree™ is simple to apply and lasts for up to two years
Transducer safe: Airmar certifies that Foulfree™ coating on its transducers results in no loss in transducer performance
Nontoxic: Foulfree™ is nontoxic and will not leach harmful chemicals into the surrounding water
Propspeed®’s patented coating formula is proven effective on vessels around the globe
15 ml tube covers 1 square foot (.30 m) of surface area
Kit includes : 15 ml tube of Foulfree™, XD Clean wipe, applicator brush and light abrasive pad


SKU: 84294-CW

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FOULFREE 15ML KIT FF15K AIRMAR FOULFREE 15ML KIT FF15K AIRMAR Foulfree Anti-Fouling Transducer Coating - 15ml Kit Airmar Certified Transducer Coating* Any marine growth or fouling on the face of a transducer can reduce sensitivity, decreasing bottom-echo returns and fish target intensity. It can also increase the turbulence over the face of the transducer causing aeration and loss of bottom contact. Solving these challenges in the best possible manner is the reason that Airmar teamed with Propspeed® to develop Foulfree™ fouling release coating for transducers. The proprietary clear coat forms a slick surface that marine growth can’t grab onto, keeping your transducer surface clean and clear. Features: Foulfree™ is simple to apply and lasts for up to two years Transducer safe: Airmar certifies that Foulfree™ coating on its transducers results in no loss in transducer performance Nontoxic: Foulfree™ is nontoxic and will not leach harmful chemicals into the surrounding water Propspeed®’s patented coating formula is proven effective on vessels around the globe 15 ml tube covers 1 square foot (.30 m) of surface area Kit includes : 15 ml tube of Foulfree™, XD Clean wipe, applicator brush and light abrasive pad FF15K SKU: 84294-CW<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
59.40 EUR