eReader Amazon Kindle 2022, Special Offers, 6" 16GB WiFi, 300dpi, Black

Proizvođač: Amazon
Šifra: 1396659
Kataloški broj: B09SWRYPB2
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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The lightest and most compact Kindle, now with a 300 ppi high-resolution display for sharp text and images.
Read comfortably with a glare-free, paper-like display. The adjustable front light and dark mode make reading effortless, day and night.
Get lost in your story. Tune out messages, emails, and social media with a distraction-free device specifically made for reading.
Now with extended battery life – A single charge via USB-C lasts up to 6 weeks.
Now with 16 GB to store thousands of books – Double the storage capacity of the previous generation.
Find new stories – With Kindle Unlimited, get unlimited access to over 2 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and more.
Designed with sustainability in mind. This Kindle uses 30-75% recycled plastics and 90% recycled magnesium and has 100% recyclable device packaging.

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eReader Amazon Kindle 2022, Special Offers, 6" 16GB WiFi, 300dpi, Black eReader Amazon Kindle 2022, Special Offers, 6" 16GB WiFi, 300dpi, Black Features The lightest and most compact Kindle, now with a 300 ppi high-resolution display for sharp text and images. Read comfortably with a glare-free, paper-like display. The adjustable front light and dark mode make reading effortless, day and night. Get lost in your story. Tune out messages, emails, and social media with a distraction-free device specifically made for reading. Now with extended battery life – A single charge via USB-C lasts up to 6 weeks. Now with 16 GB to store thousands of books – Double the storage capacity of the previous generation. Find new stories – With Kindle Unlimited, get unlimited access to over 2 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and more. Designed with sustainability in mind. This Kindle uses 30-75% recycled plastics and 90% recycled magnesium and has 100% recyclable device packaging.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
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138.67 EUR