CyberPower UPS BR1000ELCD

Proizvođač: CyberPower
Šifra: 1293240
Kataloški broj: BR1000ELCD
Jamstvo: 24
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 1-2 radnih dana
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148,70 €
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150,35 €
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153,66 €
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155,31 €
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156,96 €
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

BR1000ELCD, Izlazna snaga 600 W, Tehnologija Line interactive AVR, Simulated Sine Wave, Izlazni napon 230 V, Ulazni napon 230 V, Vrijeme punjenja 8 h, Komunikacija USB

The BRICs LCD Series UPS offers home and small office users clean and stable battery backup while the featured RJ11/RJ45 port ensures phone, fax, and modem lines are protected from surges. With Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) stabilizes the AC signal and maintains a safe voltage, this allows the UPS to maintain safe power levels for the connected equipment without resorting to battery power. The multifunction LCD readout provides immediate access to precise information of critical power/battery condition. For convenient mounting, these units can be installed in either a horizontal or wallmounted placement to make the most of your space.

The included PowerPanel® Personal Edition management software showcases the feature rich abilities such as input/output power voltage readings, self-diagnostics, and approximate battery backup time. With the Energy-Saving Technology, the BRICs LCD Series UPS can save up to 75% of electricity therefore save your electricity expenses.

Features & Benefits:
GreenPower UPS™ Technology : Energy-Saving UPS
Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)
EMI, RFI, Surge and Spike Protection
Phone/Fax/Modem/DSL/Network Protection
LCD Status Monitor
USB Connectivity Port
User-Replaceable Batteries
Horizontal / Wall-mounted Use
Cable Collector Included
PowerPanel® Personal Edition Software

Dodatna Bonus jamstva za uređaj (opcija):
Zaštita PGR 5 godina (2+3) - 19,99 €
* jamstva su ponuđena automatiziranim odabirom, za informacije i sva pitanja obratite se prodavačima

Kliknite za više informacija o proizvodu
Osnovne karakteristike
Izlazna snaga [VA]: 1.000
Izlazna snaga [W]: 600
Tehnologija: Info SmartUPS

*Unatoč uloženom trudu da damo što bolji i točniji opis, slike i specifikacije, ne možemo garantirati da su svi navedeni podaci točni te ne odgovaramo za eventualne pogreške nastale u opisu proizvoda, slika ili specifikacija. Iste je potrebno provjeriti na stranicama proizvođača ili pošaljite upit našim djelatnicima da provjere.
Ukoliko na našoj stranici otkrijete neistinite odnosno neadekvatne informacije, molimo vas da nam to javite na prodaja[o]

Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar.

CyberPower UPS BR1000ELCD CyberPower UPS BR1000ELCD BR1000ELCD, Izlazna snaga 600 W, Tehnologija Line interactive AVR, Simulated Sine Wave, Izlazni napon 230 V, Ulazni napon 230 V, Vrijeme punjenja 8 h, Komunikacija USB The BRICs LCD Series UPS offers home and small office users clean and stable battery backup while the featured RJ11/RJ45 port ensures phone, fax, and modem lines are protected from surges. With Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) stabilizes the AC signal and maintains a safe voltage, this allows the UPS to maintain safe power levels for the connected equipment without resorting to battery power. The multifunction LCD readout provides immediate access to precise information of critical power/battery condition. For convenient mounting, these units can be installed in either a horizontal or wallmounted placement to make the most of your space. The included PowerPanel® Personal Edition management software showcases the feature rich abilities such as input/output power voltage readings, self-diagnostics, and approximate battery backup time. With the Energy-Saving Technology, the BRICs LCD Series UPS can save up to 75% of electricity therefore save your electricity expenses. Features & Benefits: GreenPower UPS™ Technology : Energy-Saving UPS Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) EMI, RFI, Surge and Spike Protection Phone/Fax/Modem/DSL/Network Protection Auto-Restart/Auto-Charge LCD Status Monitor USB Connectivity Port User-Replaceable Batteries Horizontal / Wall-mounted Use Cable Collector Included PowerPanel® Personal Edition Software<br><br><div><b>Dodatna Bonus jamstva za uređaj (opcija):</b><br><table style="border:none;width:60%"><tr style="line-height:0px"><td style="border:none"><a href="">Zaštita PGR 5 godina (2+3)</a> - 19,99 €</td></tr></table><i>* jamstva su ponuđena automatiziranim odabirom, za informacije i sva pitanja obratite se prodavačima</i></div>
0.00 0
148.70 EUR