Crucial X8 - solid state drive - 2 TB - USB 3.2 Gen 2

Proizvod nije dobavljiv. Potražite neke druge modele koji su zamijenili Crucial X8 - solid state drive - 2 TB - USB 3.2 Gen 2

Proizvođač: Crucial
Šifra: 1347459
Kataloški broj: CT2000X8SSD9
Jamstvo: 24
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Protect your memories with the Crucial X8 Portable SSD - back up important photos, videos, and documents with up to 2TB capacity. Expand storage on your PS4, Xbox One, iPad Pro, Android device, or simply free up space on your computer quickly with speeds up to 1050MB/s. The Crucial X8 runs up to 1.8x faster than other portable SSDs and up to 7.5x faster than portable HDDs. Store with confidence on the Crucial X8.

Osnovne karakteristike
Sučelje: USB 3.2
Kapacitet: Info 2 TB
Boja: Crna

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Crucial X8 - solid state drive - 2 TB - USB 3.2 Gen 2 Crucial X8 - solid state drive - 2 TB - USB 3.2 Gen 2 Protect your memories with the Crucial X8 Portable SSD - back up important photos, videos, and documents with up to 2TB capacity. Expand storage on your PS4, Xbox One, iPad Pro, Android device, or simply free up space on your computer quickly with speeds up to 1050MB/s. The Crucial X8 runs up to 1.8x faster than other portable SSDs and up to 7.5x faster than portable HDDs. Store with confidence on the Crucial X8.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
292.40 EUR