Cherry G84-5200 Compact tipkovnica, USB, crna

Proizvođač: Cherry
Šifra: 1337952
Kataloški broj: G84-5200LCMEU-2
Jamstvo: 36
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Popust 10%
106,30 €
Transakcijski račun
Popust 9%
107,48 €
Popust 8%
108,66 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
Popust 6%
111,02 €
Union, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 5%
112,21 €
Diners, ZABA Master/Visa 2-6 rata, ERSTE Master/Visa/Maestro 2-6 rata
Popust 4%
113,39 €
Diners 2-12 rata, PBZ Visa Inspire/Maestro 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
Popust 3%
114,57 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata
Popust 2%
115,75 €
ERSTE Master/Visa/Maestro 2-6 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
Popust se ne obračunava
118,11 €
ZABA Master/Visa 13-24 rate, Diners 13-24 rate

Načini plaćanja u trgovini

Popust 10%
106,30 €
Novčanice, Transakcijski račun
Popust 9%
107,48 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
Popust 7%
109,84 €
PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 6%
111,02 €
RBA Master/Visa 2-12 rata
Popust 5%
112,21 €
Diners, ZABA kartice 2-6 rata, Diners 2-6 rata, ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 2-8 rata, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 7-12 rata
Popust 4%
113,39 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata, Diners 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
Popust 3%
114,57 €
ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 9-12 rata
Popust 2%
115,75 €
Diners 13-24 rate, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
Popust se ne obračunava
118,11 €
ZABA Maestro/Visa 7-12 rata, ZABA Visa 13-24 rate, ZABA Master 13-36 rata, Diners 25-36 rata

*MBNET kartice (Maestro, Visa, Mastercard) kojima je moguće plaćanje na rate izdane od Slatinske banke, Istarske kreditne banke, Sberbanke, KentBank i Agram banke
**kod nonSEPA transakcija naplaćujemo naknadu banke

već od 3,28 €/mjesečno

Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

- Small, flat and extremely robust
- The compact keyboard "XS Complete" (G84-5200) offers a full keyboard layout complete with number block and is ideal for all applications with limited space and requiring frequent number entries

- Complete layout with numeric keypad. Ideal for applications requiring the frequent input of figures
- High degree of reliability and precise keystroke feel thanks to individual keys with Gold Crosspoint contacts (CHERRY ML technology)
- Ideal for continuous usage due to the long operating life in excess of 20 million key confirmations per individual key
- Compact dimensions and very low overall build height, ideal for restricted spaces and for 19' applications
- Standardised measurements and installation dimensions of the complete XS product family - the keyboard can be adapted to every application-
- Lightweight - for applications where every gram counts
-Plug & Play - can be used with the operating system's standard drivers
- Supports Code Set 3 and UnifiedPOS
- Fastening option for permanent installation
- Detachable pluggable feet for individually adjusting the tilt of the keyboard
- Freely programmable keys for even more time-saving operation

- Key technology: ML
- Service life, standard key: 20 million key operations
- Operation characteristics: ML Pressure point (50cN)
- Inscription technology: Laser
- Inscription layout: Standard
- Number of Keys: Product dependant, see table
- Reliability: MTBF 11.4 mill. hours
- Interface: USB (PS/2 via adapter)
- Cable length: approx. 2.50 m
- Operating temperature: 0C to 60C
- Storage temperature: -20C to 60C
- Dimensions: approx. 374×139×18 mm
- Weight: approx. 550 g

Kliknite za više informacija o proizvodu
Osnovne karakteristike
Tip artikla: Tipkovnica
Vrsta: Žična
Raspored: EN
Sučelje: USB

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Ukoliko na našoj stranici otkrijete neistinite odnosno neadekvatne informacije, molimo vas da nam to javite na prodaja[o]

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Cherry G84-5200 Compact tipkovnica, USB, crna Cherry G84-5200 Compact tipkovnica, USB, crna - Small, flat and extremely robust - The compact keyboard "XS Complete" (G84-5200) offers a full keyboard layout complete with number block and is ideal for all applications with limited space and requiring frequent number entries Features - Complete layout with numeric keypad. Ideal for applications requiring the frequent input of figures - High degree of reliability and precise keystroke feel thanks to individual keys with Gold Crosspoint contacts (CHERRY ML technology) - Ideal for continuous usage due to the long operating life in excess of 20 million key confirmations per individual key - Compact dimensions and very low overall build height, ideal for restricted spaces and for 19' applications - Standardised measurements and installation dimensions of the complete XS product family - the keyboard can be adapted to every application- - Lightweight - for applications where every gram counts -Plug & Play - can be used with the operating system's standard drivers - Supports Code Set 3 and UnifiedPOS - Fastening option for permanent installation - Detachable pluggable feet for individually adjusting the tilt of the keyboard - Freely programmable keys for even more time-saving operation Specifications - Key technology: ML - Service life, standard key: 20 million key operations - Operation characteristics: ML Pressure point (50cN) - Inscription technology: Laser - Inscription layout: Standard - Number of Keys: Product dependant, see table - Reliability: MTBF 11.4 mill. hours - Interface: USB (PS/2 via adapter) - Cable length: approx. 2.50 m - Operating temperature: 0C to 60C - Storage temperature: -20C to 60C - Dimensions: approx. 374×139×18 mm - Weight: approx. 550 g<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
106.30 EUR