ASUS PN52 BBR758HD - Mini-PC - AMD Ryzen 7 5800H

Proizvođač: Asus
Šifra: 1405995
Kataloški broj: 90MR00R2-M000E0
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

ASUS ExpertCenter PN52 is powered by the latest AMD Ryzen 5000H series processor for smooth and powerful multitasking. In PCMark 10 benchmark testing, the Ryzen 5000H delivered a 17.4% boost in overall performance, and up to 23.4% improvement in singlethread computing performance compared to the previous generation processor. ASUS ExpertCenter PN52 gets a significant graphical boost with Radeon Graphics to deliver crisp, clear visuals that are way ahead of its class. It delivers a marked improvement, raising its score from 14.4% in 3DMark11 to 23.6% in the 3DMark Night Raid performance benchmarks. ASUS ExpertCenter PN52 can support up to four 4K displays via two HDMI ports, two DisplayPort over USB-C or other user-configurable ports, without any limitation on the combination used.

Osnovne karakteristike
Namjena: Poslovni
CPU brand: AMD
CPU tip: AMD Ryzen 7
Disk: Nema
Memorija: Info Nema
VGA: Integrirana
VGA memorija: Integrirana
OS: Nema
Optički uređaj: Nema

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ASUS PN52 BBR758HD - Mini-PC - AMD Ryzen 7 5800H ASUS PN52 BBR758HD - Mini-PC - AMD Ryzen 7 5800H ASUS ExpertCenter PN52 is powered by the latest AMD Ryzen 5000H series processor for smooth and powerful multitasking. In PCMark 10 benchmark testing, the Ryzen 5000H delivered a 17.4% boost in overall performance, and up to 23.4% improvement in singlethread computing performance compared to the previous generation processor. ASUS ExpertCenter PN52 gets a significant graphical boost with Radeon Graphics to deliver crisp, clear visuals that are way ahead of its class. It delivers a marked improvement, raising its score from 14.4% in 3DMark11 to 23.6% in the 3DMark Night Raid performance benchmarks. ASUS ExpertCenter PN52 can support up to four 4K displays via two HDMI ports, two DisplayPort over USB-C or other user-configurable ports, without any limitation on the combination used.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
538.90 EUR