AMD Ryzen 3 3100 tray (4x 3.6 GHz) 16MB Sockel AM4 ohne LĂĽfter

Proizvođač: AMD
Šifra: 1373303
Kataloški broj: 100-000000284
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
Prosječna ocjena: Ocjena 0 0,00 | Glasova: 0
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Popust 10%
46,20 €
Transakcijski račun
Popust 9%
46,71 €
Popust 8%
47,23 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
Popust 6%
48,25 €
Union, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 5%
48,77 €
Diners, ZABA Master/Visa 2-6 rata, ERSTE Master/Visa/Maestro 2-6 rata
Popust 4%
49,28 €
Diners 2-12 rata, PBZ Visa Inspire/Maestro 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
Popust 3%
49,79 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata
Popust 2%
50,31 €
ERSTE Master/Visa/Maestro 2-6 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
Popust se ne obračunava
51,33 €
ZABA Master/Visa 13-24 rate, Diners 13-24 rate

Načini plaćanja u trgovini

Popust 10%
46,20 €
Novčanice, Transakcijski račun
Popust 9%
46,71 €
Maestro, MasterCard, Visa
Popust 7%
47,74 €
PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 2-6 rata
Popust 6%
48,25 €
RBA Master/Visa 2-12 rata
Popust 5%
48,77 €
Diners, ZABA kartice 2-6 rata, Diners 2-6 rata, ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 2-8 rata, PBZ Maestro/Visa Inspire 7-12 rata
Popust 4%
49,28 €
ZABA Master/Visa 7-12 rata, Diners 7-12 rata, PBZ Visa Premium 2-6 rata
Popust 3%
49,79 €
ERSTE Maestro/Visa/Master 9-12 rata
Popust 2%
50,31 €
Diners 13-24 rate, PBZ Visa Premium 7-12 rata
Popust se ne obračunava
51,33 €
ZABA Maestro/Visa 7-12 rata, ZABA Visa 13-24 rate, ZABA Master 13-36 rata, Diners 25-36 rata

*MBNET kartice (Maestro, Visa, Mastercard) kojima je moguće plaćanje na rate izdane od Slatinske banke, Istarske kreditne banke, Sberbanke, KentBank i Agram banke
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već od 1,43 €/mjesečno

Odabrali ste prikaz cijena za gotovinsko plaćanje - prikaži MPC

The Lifesize Helpdesk Assurance Service program provides a core suite of services designed to provide you and your organization with direct phone and video access to Lifesize service and solution engineers. With thousands of Lifesize systems deployed around the world, Lifesize has developed a deep expertise in troubleshooting and diagnosing both IP and ISDN based technologies, which your organization can leverage to enhance your Lifesize video and voice communication experience.

Osnovne karakteristike
Socket: AM4
Jezgra: Ryzen 3
Radni takt [GHz]: 3.6 GHz
Broj jezgri: 4
Broj threadova: 8
Ostale karakteristike
Integrirani grafički sustav: Ne
Hladnjak: Ne

*Unatoč uloženom trudu da damo što bolji i točniji opis, slike i specifikacije, ne možemo garantirati da su svi navedeni podaci točni te ne odgovaramo za eventualne pogreške nastale u opisu proizvoda, slika ili specifikacija. Iste je potrebno provjeriti na stranicama proizvođača ili pošaljite upit našim djelatnicima da provjere.
Ukoliko na našoj stranici otkrijete neistinite odnosno neadekvatne informacije, molimo vas da nam to javite na prodaja[o]

Za odabrani proizvod nije unesen niti jedan komentar.

AMD Ryzen 3 3100 tray (4x 3.6 GHz) 16MB Sockel AM4 ohne LĂĽfter AMD Ryzen 3 3100 tray (4x 3.6 GHz) 16MB Sockel AM4 ohne LĂĽfter The Lifesize Helpdesk Assurance Service program provides a core suite of services designed to provide you and your organization with direct phone and video access to Lifesize service and solution engineers. With thousands of Lifesize systems deployed around the world, Lifesize has developed a deep expertise in troubleshooting and diagnosing both IP and ISDN based technologies, which your organization can leverage to enhance your Lifesize video and voice communication experience.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
46.20 EUR