4 port PCI 1394a FireWire Adapter Card - 3 External 1 Internal FireWire PCI Card for Laptops (PCI1394MP) - FireWire adapter - 3 ports

Proizvođač: StarTech
Šifra: 1357777
Kataloški broj: PCI1394MP
Jamstvo: 12
Raspoloživost: Dobavljivo (Dobavljivo)
isporuka 5-8 radnih dana
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Add 4 FireWire ports to a desktop computer through a PCI slot. This 4 Port (3 External/1 Internal) PCI 1394 FireWire Adapter Card lets you connect iPods, MP3 players, portable drives, digital camcorders and more to your desktop computer.
The FireWire adapter card supports hot-swapping, so you'll be able to plug, unplug, and swap your FireWire peripherals with ease.
Plus, the adapter provides both standard profile and low profile/half-height brackets for adapting to slimline or small form factor system applications.
Please Note: If you require digital video editing software, StarTech.com offers a complete FireWire kit with PCI1394 4 card. This software is compatible with Windows operating systems only.

Osnovne karakteristike
Sučelje: PCI

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4 port PCI 1394a FireWire Adapter Card - 3 External 1 Internal FireWire PCI Card for Laptops (PCI1394MP) - FireWire adapter - 3 ports 4 port PCI 1394a FireWire Adapter Card - 3 External 1 Internal FireWire PCI Card for Laptops (PCI1394MP) - FireWire adapter - 3 ports Add 4 FireWire ports to a desktop computer through a PCI slot. This 4 Port (3 External/1 Internal) PCI 1394 FireWire Adapter Card lets you connect iPods, MP3 players, portable drives, digital camcorders and more to your desktop computer.<br />The FireWire adapter card supports hot-swapping, so you'll be able to plug, unplug, and swap your FireWire peripherals with ease.<br />Plus, the adapter provides both standard profile and low profile/half-height brackets for adapting to slimline or small form factor system applications.<br />Please Note: If you require digital video editing software, StarTech.com offers a complete FireWire kit with PCI1394 4 card. This software is compatible with Windows operating systems only.<table style="border:none;width:60%"></table>
0.00 0
41.89 EUR